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Academy/ Travel Program


Dynamo Soccer Club's highest tier program - prerequisite skillset and  game understanding required


3 playing seasons - FALL (Outdoor)/ Winter (Indoor)/ Spring (Outdoor)


Training sessions/ League: 3 x per week training with league games on weekend


* Training year round


Travel program is for Boys/Girls born 2015-2009


Our goal is to develop youth players for the next level in their playing career, whether it be for college or professional.


Our program focuses on skill building, while also emphasizing the importance of understanding tactics, formation, and attacking/ defensive positioning - an area often overlooked by many youth coaches. (This understanding needs to be instilled in the player as early as possible because as the player advances in his/her career the more important this mental component becomes.)


Trialists welcome! Contact for details.


Skill Building/ Recreational Program: 


(Ages 3 and up)


Training sessions: 


Ages 3-5:   2 x per week 

Ages 6 and up:   3 x per week

*Training year round


No league participation - objective of the recreational program is to create a fun environment while teaching this wonderful game. 


* If the player demonstrates the necessary skill and passion to progress to the next level, he/she will be promoted to the travel team.


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